With the help of this smalltalk book you will learn
- The basic concepts of smalltalk language; namely object, method, class, inheritance and overriding.
- The syntax for literal objects and the syntax for message.
- Little smalltalk standard library
- Syntax for defining classes
- Development of an application in smalltalk and describes how environments can be saved and restored.
- Syntax for cascaded expressions and notion of primitive expressions.
- Simulation of an ice cream store, illustrating the ease with which simulations can be described in Smalltalk.
- Concepts of generators, show how generators can be used in soultion of problems requiring goal directed evaluation
- Graphics in smalltalk.
- Concepts of processes and semaphores.
- Features of smalltalk interpreter
- Internal representation of objects in little smalltalk system.
- Techniques used to represent methods internally in the little smalltalk system
- Detailed view of central component of little smalltalk system, process manager.
- Actions of the interpreter and the courier in executing bytecodes and passing messages.